Solutions Healthcare - English - Finnish - Norwegian - Power Platform
Braintree Engage
Item No.
Identify and respond to the Covid-19 risks by monitoring, communicating, and staying compliant.
Solgari’s All - Channel Communications
Item No.
Delivering on all communication requirements: customer care, sales, marketing, surveys & automation.
Audite Cloud
Item No.
Audite Cloud is the unified messaging platform that tranforms any Microsoft PowerApp into a powerful, fast and easy-to-use Unified Chat Center that allows you to run your global customers’ messaging conversations in a single place.
Touchdown - Marketing solution
Item No.
Marketing automation integrated within Dynamics 365 and Powerapps platform
SiriusOctopus365 - Dogma Group Limited
Item No.
One-stop intuitive solution for your Master Data Management integrated with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.